Functions and advantages of using the automated tour guide system.

 News     |     March 06, 2023
        What is automated tour guide system? Today, I would like to introduce to you for equipment that is an automatic tour guide system, and what are its functions? Everyone likes to travel, and they also like to go to scenic spots or museums to learn about culture and history. If you are traveling in a group, you don't need to worry about the route and explanation, because this have tour guide, is can for the tour and introduction, but how do individual tourists understand? The automatic tour guide system is aimed at this kind of individual tourists who visit freely. It can provide voice explanation services for individual tourists to visit, so that individual tourists can freely tour in the scenic area without worrying that there will be no introduction of scenic spots. The automatic tour guide system allows individual tourists to carry equipment and walk near the scenic spot that needs to be explained, and then they can directly play the audio introduction of the scenic spot. Of course, the function of this automatic explanation is inseparable from the left and right of the signal transmitter, because the signal the transmitter has a signal sensing range, as long as it is within the range, it can sense and play the explanation.
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        Installing this signal transmitter is also simple, because it is small in size and light in weight, and will not damage the overall layout, but if it is installed in an outdoor scenic spot, then you must pay attention to installing waterproof settings. If the scenic spot receives foreign tourists, there is no need to worry, because the automatic tour guide system has the function of multilingual explanation, which can meet the needs of multilingual tourists and provide them with audio explanation. As an explanation device used in tourism and visiting scenes, the automatic tour guide system can express the culture or history of the scenic spot with both sound and emotion, so that tourists can listen while visiting, learn knowledge and understand these cultural connotations in the process , and enjoy these cultures. The use of automatic tour guide system in the scenic spot can not only improve the overall reception of the scenic spot, but also have a good impression and experience for tourists to visit, and enhance the fun of tourists when traveling.
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