With the audio tour guide, there is no need to travel in a hurry.

 News     |     September 28, 2022
       In addition to being guided by a tour guide, you can also use the electronic audio tour guide to visit the scenic spot, and it will be more convenient to use the electronic audio tour guide to visit the scenic spot. Because the tour guide usually leads the team to visit in a unified way, this way of visiting time is relatively rushed, often without a good appreciation or understanding of the scenic spots, and hurriedly follow the tour guide to the next scenic spot, there is no fancy tour fun. Using the electronic audio tour guide is different, you can learn about any attractions you want to know, and you can stop and listen to the explanation. You don't need to worry about not understanding the attractions at all, because the electronic audio tour guide can start clear when you arrive at the attractions to introduce you to the story of the attractions.
audio tour guide.
audio tour guide
       In addition to the convenience for tourists, there are also many conveniences for the provision of electronic audio tour guide for scenic spots. For example, we provide tourists with an electronic audio tour guide, so that tourists can use it to understand the scenic spots in the scenic spot, so there is no need to worry about the introduction of the guide, and some labor costs can be saved here, especially in the tourist season. In addition, to provide tourists with an electronic audio tour guide will definitely charge a certain deposit and usage fees, which can increase the income of the scenic spot, and tourists are more interested in this kind of self-guided tour than tour guide. The electronic audio tour guide does not have to be as noisy as the human explanation, because it can adjust the volume.
audio tour guide