Use the campus audio tour guide when you visit the campus.

 News     |     July 20, 2022
      Whenever I go to a famous university to visit, because of the large area, I often can't figure out the direction, but now there is a campus audio tour guide that can lead the way to the visitors. The campus audio tour guide is equipped with a positioning system, which can not only remind the visitor of the route, but also inform the visitor of the current location. In addition, the campus audio tour guide can also explain and introduce some places with historical or cultural stories on the campus. The use of the campus audio tour guide provides certain convenience to the visitors, visitors can walk around the campus freely through the campus audio tour guide and no matter how large the campus is, they will not worry about getting lost. There is also the fact that the school uses this kind of system for visitors, which can save the time of introduction and arouse the fun of understanding for the visitors.
audio tour guide
audio tour guide
       The campus audio tour guide for mation through the automatic induction system, and then can play the explanation in time. We can install sensors in some facilities in the school that we want to introduce to visitors or in more meaningful places, so that visitors can walk, when you reach this position, the explanation will be played automatically without any operation. Now some famous schools provide campus audio tour guide because of the large number of visitors and the large area, which can not only save the school's manpower, but also provide a good reception impression to the visitors, especially when the leaders visit, they can give the school more attention.
audio tour guide